
Regarding the hadith of Sahih Muslim Hajj

Regarding the article Sahih Muslim Hadith Hajj contains authentic hadiths about the pilgrimage which I divided into six sub-headings, namely: Sahih Muslim Hadith About Standing; Sahih Muslim hadith About Ihrom type; Sahih Muslim hadith About Hunting For People Who Ihrom; Sahih Muslim hadith Minya About Wearing fragrance; Sahih Muslim hadith About Lafat Talbiyah and timing; Sahih Muslim hadith About Miqat Hajji; Sahih Muslim hadith About Clothes Hajji.
Actually hadeeth of pilgrimage scattered on the books of hadeeth like Bukhari, Ibn Majjah, Abu DawudRegarding the hadith of Sahih Muslim Hajj, Nasa'i, Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad and others. However, because of wording similar to that on this occasion I will write Hadith Sahih Muslim Translation Regarding Hajj.

Sahih Muslim hadith About Clothes Hajji

First in the hadith narrated by Ibn Umar RA
That a man asked Rosululloh SAW about the clothes should be worn by people who are berihrom pilgrimage. Rosululloh SAW said: "Do not wear a shirt, a turban cloth, trousers, headgear and gloves leather toe except for people who do not have slippers, then he should wear gloves that leg on the condition that he should be cut to below the ankle. Also, do not wear any clothes that diclupkan with za'faron oil and weres. (Saheeh Muslim, No. 2012)

Secondly hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas in
I heard the Messenger of Allah. while giving the sermon, he said: pants (may apply) for those who do not have a piece of cloth and latex legs for people who do not have a pair of sandals. That is for people who are berihram. (Saheeh Muslim No.2015)

Third hadith narrated by Ya'la Bin Umayyad
One of the companions came to the Prophet. when he was in Ji`ranah, wearing a robe that has been sprinkled with perfume. Or traces of perfume. Companions asked: What is the king commanded me to do in umrahku? At that time, the revelation was down to the Prophet. and he was covered with clothes. Ya`la said: I'm glad if I can see the Prophet. is receiving a revelation. Umar said: Do you like to watch the Prophet. is receiving revelation? Umar then uncovers the cloth that covered him, and then I saw he was snoring. I watched as the voice of calves. When the revelations have come down, he woke up and asked: Where people are asking about earlier umrah? Selanjutuya he said: Purge yourself of former perfume you wear, must let loose cloak and do as you perform umrah pilgrimage. (Saheeh Muslim No.2017)

Sahih Muslim hadith About Miqat Hajji

First in the hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas Ra
That the Messenger of Allah, establish straw-straw follows: for the people of Medina is Dhul Hulaifah, for residents of Sham is Juhfah, for residents Najed is Qarnul Manazil and for the Yemeni population is Yalamlam. Straw-straw it is for the residents of these areas, and in addition to the residents who come through it to carry out the Hajj or Umrah. As for the residents of the area before the straw-straw, the straw they are out of their homes and so on until the population of Mecca, their intention of ihram from their homes. (Saheeh Muslim No.2022)

Second hadith narrated by Ibn Umar Ra
That the Messenger of Allah. He said: The people of Medina intends ihram from (straw) Dhul Hulaifah, Sham population of Juhfah, while the population of Qarnul Manazil Najed. Abdullah ibn Umar said: I was told that the Messenger of Allah. He said: The people of Yemen intend Ihram from (straw) Yalamlam. (Saheeh Muslim No.2024)

In another hadith of Ibn Umar Ra said: "Baida this is where you think the Prophet never start ihramnya. Though the Prophet never start ihramnya except from the mosque of Dhul Hulaifah. (Saheeh Muslim No.2033)

Sahih Muslim hadith About pronunciation Talbiyah and Timing

First hadith narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar.
Lafat talbiah that the Messenger of Allah, is Labbaik Allahumma labbaik, Labbaika laa syarika labbaik innal laka laka wal Hamda wan ni'mata mulku laa syarika shellac (I fulfill your call, O God, I fulfill your calling. There is no partner to You . Verily all praise, all the blessings and all the kingdom is yours. There is no partner to You). (Saheeh Muslim No.2029)

Sahih Muslim hadith About Wearing Parfum

First in the hadith narrated by Aisha Ra
"I never give perfume to the body of the Prophet. when he was about berihram and also when about bertahallul before his tawaf in the House. (Saheeh Muslim No.2040) "

Sahih Muslim hadith About Hunting For People Who Ihrom

The first hadith narrated by Sha`ab bin Al-Laitsi Jatsamah
That he never presented a wild ass to the Prophet. when he was in the village Abwa 'or Waddan. But the Prophet. donkey restore it to him. When the Prophet. see the changing face of Sha`ab because the gift is returned, he said: I will not refuse this gift if I'm not in a state of ihram. (Saheeh Muslim No.2059)

The second hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas
Sha`ab bin Jatsamah wild donkey never presented to the Prophet. being berihram. Then he returned it to him and said: If we are not in a state of ihram, then we will accept the gift. (Saheeh Muslim No.2060)

Naration third hadith of Abu Qatada ra
We've traveled together Prophet. until when he reached the area Qahah, among us there are being berihram and some are not, I saw my friends were stalking something and after I saw turned out to be a wild donkey, I immediately put my saddle and take my spear. Just got my body was on horseback, suddenly cambukku fell. So I say to my friends, which is in a state of Ihram: Give me cambukku it! But they all say: By Allah, we will not help you at all. So I dismounted to pick it up himself. Then I ride the horse again and I found a donkey from behind that has to be behind a small hill and ended up stabbing him. After I slaughter, I took him to my friends. I offered to them. Most of them say: Eat! Moderate others say: Do you eat! At that time the Prophet. are in front of us so I move my horse and I chased him, then said: The meat was kosher, eat !. (Saheeh Muslim No.2062)

Sahih Muslim hadith About Type Ihrom

The first hadith narrated by Aisha ra
We've traveled together Prophet. in the Farewell Pilgrimage, then we berihram to perform Umrah (Tamattu). Then the Prophet. He said: He who brings the animals to be slaughtered, then should he berihram Hajj and Umrah (Qiran), and do not bertahallul with until he bertahallul to both simultaneously. Turns arrival in Mecca I come menstruation, and I have not yet tawaf and sai Baitullah between Safa and Marwah. Then I stir it to the Prophet. and he said: Deliver your head and comb your hair braided, do Ihram Hajj and Umrah leave. Then I do it. And when I completed the pilgrimage, the Prophet. I sent along with Rahman bin Abu Bakr (brother of Aisha) go to Tan`im (for intending Umrah Ihram there), and I do umrah. He said: This is where umrahmu (umrah only). Then the people who perform umrah tawaf in the House, then sai between Safa and Marwah, then bertahallul. Then they perform tawaf (circumambulate ifadhah) for pilgrimage after returning from Mina. As for those who join the Hajj and Umrah, they just do tawaf one time only. (Saheeh Muslim No.2108)

The second hadith narrated by Abdurrahman ibn Abu Bakr
That the Prophet. Aisha told him to give a lift to go to Tan`im to berihram for Umrah from there. (Saheeh Muslim No.2126)

Naration third hadith of Jabir ra
We've traveled together Prophet. in a state of Hajj berihram ifrad, while A'ishah. berihram for Umrah. Until when we reached Sarif, suddenly she (Aisha) come menstruation. So when we arrived, we did tawaf of the Ka'ba and between Safa and Marwah sai. Prophet. tell us who did not bring the animals to be slaughtered for bertahallul. We asked: What is lawful? He replied: Everything is lawful. Then our intercourse with our wives, wearing perfume and fully clothed. Being between us and the day of 'Arafah when it was only four nights only. Then we berihram on Tarwiyah (8 Dhul-Hijjah). Then the Prophet. meet Aisha who was crying. He asks: What's wrong with you? He replied: I was menstruating, people already bertahallul, while I have not bertahallul and tawaf in the House, even today, they are leaving for Hajj. He said: Surely this problem (menstruation) is a provision of God on every woman's children and grandchildren Adam, then wash then berihramlah for Hajj! Then he execute (the command of the Prophet.) And then carry out the rituals of Hajj, until when it was sacred from menstruating, he did tawaf of the Ka'ba, sai between Safa and Marwah. After that, he asked: Did not you already bertahallul of Haj and umrahmu at once? He replied: Messenger of Allah, verily I intend not tawaf in the House before I completed the Hajj. Hearing that he said to Abdurrahman: Hi Abdurrahman, he intends to deliver the umrah from Tan`im. and it was carried out at night Hashbah (night return of pilgrims from Mecca after days tasyrik or after completion of Hajj). (Saheeh Muslim, no.2127)

Hadith Jabir bin Abdullah ra
From Atha, he said: I heard Jabir bin Abdullah ra. said: When I was with some people, we are the companions of Muhammad. berihram only ever Hajj alone. Atha said: Jabir said: On the morning of the fourth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, the Prophet. came and he ordered us to bertahallul. Atha said: Jabir said: Bertahallul-lah Fuck you and the wife. Atha said: The Messenger does not require them, but he allowed it to them. Furthermore, Jabir said: When the opportunity we stayed five days before leaving for Arafat, he advises us to have intercourse with our wives. After that we went to Arafat and pubic we still dripping cum (meaning we had just finished our intercourse with his wife). He said: Jabir said, with his hand as if I saw her move her hand, he said: Then the Prophet. standing in front of us and said: You already know that in fact I was the most pious to God, the most honest and the most devoted among all of you. Even if (I did not bring) sembelihanku animals, surely I will bertahallul as you bertahallul. Had I known from the beginning, I would not slaughter animals for slaughter. Therefore, the bertahallul-lah. Then we all bertahallul, we hear and we obey. Atha said: Jabir said: Then came Ali from his post and asked Jabir: Ihram what you intend? He (Jabir) said: As ihramnya Prophet. Then the Prophet. then said to him: Slaughter the animal sacrifices and keep you in a state of ihram. Then Ali slaughtering animals for slaughter. Seeing it Suraqah bin Malik bin Ju`tsum said: Messenger of Allah, Is it only for Umrah this year or forever (once)? He said: (Once) forever. (Saheeh Muslim No.2131)

Sahih Muslim hadith About Standing

Hadith A'ishah:
In ancient times, the people of Quraish and the people of the same religion with the usual standing at Muzdalifah. They called the Hums (naming the Quraysh for religious firmness), whereas the Arabs, all standing at Arafat. When Islam came, Allah ordered His Prophet to go to Arafat and berwukuf there then departed from there (from Arafat to Muzdalifah). That is according to the word of God: Then you bertolaknya Put out of a crowd. (Saheeh Muslim No.2140)

Hadith Jubair bin Muth`im ra:
I never lost a camel, and then I went looking for him on the day of Arafah. At that moment I saw the Messenger of Allah. along with the crowd being berwukuf at Arafat. I said: By Allah, these are really Hums (naming the Quraysh for religious firmness), no matter what he here? Formerly the Quraysh included in the category Hums (when they were standing at Muzdalifah). (Saheeh Muslim No.2142)

Thus Sahih Muslim Hadith Regarding Hajj containing authentic hadiths of Muslim pilgrimage which I divided into six sub-headings, namely: Sahih Muslim Hadith About Standing; Sahih Muslim hadith About Ihrom type; Sahih Muslim hadith About Hunting For People Who Ihrom; Sahih Muslim hadith Minya About Wearing fragrance; Sahih Muslim hadith About Lafat Talbiyah and timing; Sahih Muslim hadith About Miqat Hajji; Sahih Muslim hadith About Clothes Hajji. May be useful.
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